Many of you are aware that we started the process of building evidence to gain the Artsmark Award for the school pre covid. It is my great pleasure to let you all know that we have just received the news that the school has been awarded the Gold Award.
The Artsmark Award is the only creative quality standard for schools and education settings, accredited by Arts Council England. The Artsmark award has helped us to support the health and well-being of pupils with arts, culture , and creativity, and ensure every young person can be creative and access a diverse, high-quality cultural education .
Whilst many of you have been involved in much of the process, Hannah (Art Teacher) has spearheaded the project. ALP Leicester would like to thank Hannah for her hard work, commitment, and vision (in helping us to achieve this prestigious award).
‘Having a responsibility made trips easier. I have a passion for photography so I focused more and felt less anxious and got more out of it.’ – Student feedback on being the Head Photographer for Artsmark projects
‘Split up the lessons, still doing maths but in a practical way.’ – Student feedback on embedding arts and culture across the curriculum