13/05/2022 Reading Links

Other Displays

Another of our literary displays features the author Margaret Atwood, author of the handmaid’s tale. You can find out more about the writer and her work at http://margaretatwood.ca/  Other female authors featured in the display are- Alice Walker    Maya Angelou Cassandra Clare Maggie Stiefvater

13/05/2022 Reading Links

War Poetry

As part of ALP Leicester’s Remembrance day celebrations out secondary and post 16 students took part in a war poetry lesson. They were introduce to a war poet and a poem that they are famous for. They watch a short video of the poem and did follow up tasks as a class. The 3 poets […]

13/05/2022 Reading Links

Author of the month 

To support expanding our student’s reading experience and journey we have a reading strategy called “Author of the month” which introduces learners to a new author and their work. This month’s author is Bali Rai. He is a Leicester born author and you can find more information about him at 

13/05/2022 Reading Links

Reading Roots

‘Nurturing Growth Through Reading’ Author Visit to ALP On thursday 26th October ALP Leicester hosted a visit from Derby poet Jamie Thrasivoulou. He came into the school and did creative writing workshops with our secondary and post 16 students. The visit was a great success and the students really enjoyed working with Jamie Who is […]

27/01/2022 Uncategorised

Artsmark in Maths – Scale Drawings and Making Rockets.

Students from E=mc² class learned that the ‘Saturn V’ was a rocket NASA built to send people to the moon. (The V in the name is the Roman numeral five). It was the most powerful rocket that had ever flown successfully and was used in the Apollo program in the 1960s and 1970s. It also […]

15/11/2021 Uncategorised

Primary Exploring Electrical Circuits

As part of My World learning at ALP Leicester, Primary & KS3 pupils have been engaging in thematic learning. This terms theme has been ‘It’s Shocking’, with all learning and activities across their curriculum being based around electricity. Last week, pupils explored simple electrical circuits and investigated powering light bulbs and motors.

06/10/2021 Uncategorised

Enrichment Calendar 2021/2022

