

ALP Schools, previously known as ASD Learning are currently on an exciting journey of establishing quality, alternative learning provisions across the country.

To date, ALP Schools have created five Ofsted registered schools:

  • ALP Leicester, Birstall, Leicester
  • Parkview Academy, Welling, Kent
  • Pierview Academy, Gravesend, Kent
  • ALP Nuneaton, Nuneaton
  • ALP Sittingbourne, Sittingbourne

ALP Leicester was established in January 2012 and at the most recent inspection in 2018, was rated ‘Good’ in all areas. Our newest school, ALP Nuneaton opened in January 2021 and caters for up 50 learners.

The company was established in 2007 by Phil Hoppenbrouwers who initially educated the first two referrals from a log cabin in his back garden.  As the demand for short term alternative provision grew, an ASD Learning Educational Centre was established in Gravesend and more centres were to follow. Secondary provisions were established in Kentish Town and Welling, a primary centre in Woolwich and a secondary provision in Lewisham, which was exclusively for girls. With only two of these centres establishing themselves in a sustainable capacity, the company expanded to Leicester and opened ALP Willows in September 2012. This was situated on Troon Way Business Park in Thurmaston and was initially for primary learners. With our ability to respond promptly and effectively to referrals, there was soon a demand for a secondary provision which was established in 2014 at Birstall Youth Centre on the campus of what was Longslade Community College.

Rapid growth of learners accessing the provision was matched with increased staff numbers, the introduction of an experienced management team and a new Curriculum and Assessment Policy. Such developments, along with the appointment of Managing Director, David Cowell led to a school restructure in 2016. This included a relocation of schools to bring together the two sites under one roof and a restructure of staff to give new and exciting opportunities to our team of dedicated tutors. This year of developments was also given a boost when Managing Director David Cowell became a Member of the British Empire in the 2015 New Years’ Honours list for his Contribution to Vocational Education.

ALP Leicester, its team of experienced staff and the learners who joined us on our journey are now happily located in what was previously Stonehill School and is now our home for catering for young people with SEND. 
